[Egresados1-fee-vi] Praktikak Eslobakian / Practicas en Eslovaquia
Laura Paunero
laura.paunero at ehu.eus
Wed Oct 4 10:01:47 CEST 2023
EHUko Erasmus + praktiketan pentsatzen ari direnentzako, Eslobakiatik bidali diguten informazio interesgarria partekatzen dizuet.
Para aquellos interesados en realizar Erasmus + praktikak de la UPV/EHU, os comparto la información que nos ha llegado de Eslovaquia.
Un saludo,
Coordinadora movilidad (Facultad Economía y Empresa - Campus Álava)
As a coordinator of Slovak consortium of 12 universities, sending hundreds of students for Erasmus+ internships abroad, we have created a Placement Slovakia program to help also foreign students to come for Erasmus internships to our partner companies in Slovakia with our support and benefits e.g. free accommodation, lunch allowance and other, all completely free of charge for students. We already cooperate with many universites from across Europe and I would like to introduce you our program closer to share our internship opportunities to your students as well so they can discover Slovakia and have an unforgetable professional and life experience with us. We ask no fees, just want to help putting Slovakia on the map of interesting destinations for Erasmus internships. Please see more info and testimonials at: <http://www.placementslovakia.com> www.placementslovakia.com I remain at your disposal in case of any questions or would be happy to introduce you the programme in more details via online call if you are interested. Otherwise I would be thankfull if you share the programme with your students so they can inform directly. Many thanks and looking forward to hearing from you! Kind regards Karol (EAIE Employability community steering group member) <mailto:karol.ovesny at workspaceeurope.sk> karol.ovesny at workspaceeurope.sk
<https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/klets-3642/o/user_files%2FjZY9C3Ly%2F3b34ca379d3d4f56b861a61426af5e4c%2FPlacement%20Slovakia%202023%20(1).pdf?alt=media&token=e8ed738c-dcfc-4bed-97cc-e2197c6af881> [↓] Placement Slovakia 2023 (1).pdf
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