From lgsfeacd en Tue Oct 29 14:26:27 2002 From: lgsfeacd en (FERNANDEZ ACIN David) Date: Mon Mar 17 16:26:31 2003 Subject: [Mailman] prueba alias Message-ID: Cuantas veces aparece lgux05 en este mensaje... a) si no aparece --> :-) b) si aparece poco --> :-| c) si aparece mucho --> :-( Un saludo, -- ******************************** David Fernández Acin WebMaster CIDIR Bizkaia Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Teléfono: 94 601 2137 E-mail: ******************************** From lgsorvei en list Tue Oct 29 14:40:06 2002 From: lgsorvei en list (Inaki Ortega Bergara) Date: Mon Mar 17 16:26:31 2003 Subject: [Mailman] test Message-ID: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Saludos, - -- Iñaki Ortega Bergara eman ta zabal zazu CIDIR de Bizkaia/Bizkaiko IISIG ___ ___ | \___ |___\-\_ Rectorado/Errektoregoa | ___] __ | | E-48940 Leioa (Bizkaia) | [_ __ [_ |_| | SPAIN |__ _] [_ |___] / | [_ | ______/ |___ \__| | E-mail: | | |______| Tlf: +34-94-601.2093 Universidad del País Vasco Tlf: +34-94-601.2030 (Secretaría) Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Fax: +34-94-464.95.50 The University of the Basque Country -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPfreeware 7.0.3 for non-commercial use iQA/AwUBPb6PsvgVIVYcCO7qEQL5OgCg/Lfw361imzXplq/wUm0R62SusxwAoJM/ 1ZSM9nUyaUV56dY1JyRQdgT1 =mZZ+ -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- From lgsfeacd en Tue Oct 29 14:37:27 2002 From: lgsfeacd en (FERNANDEZ ACIN David) Date: Mon Mar 17 16:26:31 2003 Subject: [Mailman] Prueba 3 Message-ID: Policies concerning the content of list traffic. Content filtering works like this: when a message is received by the list and you have enabled content filtering, the individual attachments are first compared to the filter types. If the attachment type matches an entry in the filter types, it is discarded. Then, if there are pass types defined, any attachment type that does not match a pass type is also discarded. If there are no pass types defined, this check is skipped. After this initial filtering, any multipart attachments that are empty are removed. If the outer message is left empty after this filtering, then the whole message is discarded. Then, each multipart/alternative section will be replaced by just the first alternative that is non-empty after filtering. Finally, any text/html parts that are left in the message may be converted to text/plain if convert_html_to_plaintext is enabled and the site is configured to allow these conversions. Un saludo, -- ******************************** David Fernández Acin WebMaster CIDIR Bizkaia Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea Teléfono: 94 601 2137 E-mail: ********************************