[Egresadosletraslenguas] Itzultzaile lan-eskaintza

practicas.fac.letras en ehu.eus practicas.fac.letras en ehu.eus
Lun Feb 28 13:50:34 CET 2022

Egun on,
Honekin batera bidaltzen dugu iritsi zaigun lan eskaintza bat. Edozein  
kontsulta egin nahi izanez gero, jarri harremanetan enpresarekin  
Ongi izan



Deluxe Media is a division of Deluxe Services Entertainment Group and  
has been serving the global community for over 100 years as the  
leading integrated provider of media production, marketing,  
localization and delivery solutions for television shows, movies, and  
Our localization arm specializes in subtitling, closed captioning and  
translation services for major motion picture studios, film festivals,  
broadcast, streaming, and cable networks, and is currently seeking  
qualified English to Basque Freelance Translators to work on our  
high-profile content.

Our localization arm specializes in subtitling, closed captioning and  
translation services for major motion picture studios, film festivals,  
broadcast, streaming, and cable networks. We collaborate with  
translators with at least 2 years of experience in translation who can  
assist our project coordinators in subtitling projects of diverse  
kind. Previous experience in subtitling is not needed. We will provide  
you with training about subtitling using our proprietary tools.

Main Duties
• Providing subtitles for the target language: Basque.
• Proofreading and editing client-provided materials.
• Conforming existing scripts/subtitle files to specifications of  
various clients.

Candidates must meet the following criteria:
• At least two years of experience in translation
• Be a native speaker of Basque
• Possess strong knowledge of English

If you are interested in this opportunity, please email your resume to  
L10n_TalentAcquisition en bydeluxe.com indicating the following in the  
subject line:

Deluxe - Freelance Translator - Basque

For more information on our company, please visit our website  

Cande Cabanillas
Praktiketarako Dekanordea/ Vicedecana de Prácticas
practicas.fac.letras en ehu.es

Más información sobre la lista de distribución Egresadosletraslenguas