[Ecasig11] Workshop "Methods of high-pressure single-crystal x-ray diffraction", ECM26

Andrzej andrzej.grzechnik at ehu.es
Wed Jun 2 10:08:04 CEST 2010

Dear Colleagues,

The final program of the workshop "Methods of high-pressure 
single-crystal x-ray diffraction" to be held in Darmstadt (Germany) on 
September 3-4 this year has just been published on the web
site of the 26th European Crystallographic Meeting: 

Single-crystal diffraction provides the most accurate structural data on 
the compression mechanisms of solids. Its methods for high-pressure 
studies developed over the last three decades are mature and easy to use 
in both the laboratory and at synchrotron sources. The aim of this 
workshop is to demonstrate how to perform single-crystal high-pressure 
X-ray diffraction measurements in diamond anvil cells, to complete the 
data reduction and analysis, and to obtain the highest-quality data. The 
workshop will include both lectures and hands-on exercises. It will be 
suitable for researchers at all
levels. Experience in single-crystal X-ray diffraction will be assumed, 
but no previous experience in high-pressure methods is necessary. 
Participants who have already collected high-pressure data are 
encouraged to bring their own problematic datasets for discussion and
analysis. Different data processing strategies and programs will be 
presented. The workshop will be interactive through informal discussions 
and small round tables of specific interest groups, e.g., the software 

Best regards,

Andrzej Grzechnik


Andrzej Grzechnik
Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of the Basque Country
E-48080 Leioa, Spain

phone: 0034 946013275
fax: 0034 946013500
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